Rifle sport for hunters and athletes

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VI Spartakiad Trade Unions

It was the most massive physical education event of 1958. Throughout the country, many tens of thousands of athletes by several months fought for the right to participate in the final competitions of the Spartakiad in all sports. At the Lokomotiv booth in Moscow, national teams of trade unions of 15 Union republics, Moscow and Leningrad met.

In shooting “from the place” (200 targets for each of the four shooters of the team), the RSFSR arrows won, scoring 745 points. On 12 targets, the team of Moscow lagged behind, which took second place. Georgian athletes achieved third place, hitting 727 flying targets.

In the personal championship on this exercise, the young Omsk master of sports S. Kishkyunas (RSFSR) won the victory. He broke 280 plates out of 300. The silver medal for the second place was handed to the champion of the USSR to the master of sports S. Stenin, who hit 283 plates. The bronze medal went to the Chelyabinsk master of sports A. Slepokhin.

The struggle was stubborn at the round stand of the arrow that did not fulfill the norm of the 1st category, did not include the commands and were not allowed to shoot at personal championship. It was enough not to take the offset at least one arrow, and the team was immediately discarded several places ago. Such a fate befell, in particular, the strong team of the RSFSR, which ended up in a general fifth place. The winner of the Spartakiad in the complex of two exercises was the team of Mosina. She was awarded the passing Cup of the Spartakiad.

The second place remained behind the team of Ukraine. Third - for the athletes of Georgia, and the fourth - for a together in the team of Latvia.

In the personal championship, the champion of trade unions at the round stand was the Kharkov citizen A. Kaplun (140 out of 150), the second place was taken by Chelyabinets A. Slepukhin and the third - the master of sports R. Polyansky from the city of Omsk.

At the stands

In the city of Kurgan, the stand on the river side is very popular among hunters and athletes. In the spring, zonal competitions of cities and regions of the Urals and Siberia were held here. This summer, the efforts of members of the Society of Hunters on the Pond adjacent to the stand built a well -equipped swimming pool.

On the day of Soviet youth in the pool, city competitions of swimmers were held. A good gift of Kurgan youth made a regional society of hunters, organizing a tourist base in a newly built pavilion at the stand.

After a well -maintained overnight and briefing, tourists go from here on a trip along local routes in the winter here is a ski base here.

In the spring, the Kurganians broke a flower garden on the stand, landed shrubs and trees. It was decided to populate the pond with valuable fish species, and in one of the corners of the stand to build a farm of silver-black foxes.

More and more athletes come to the stand. They train and find a good, cultural rest here.

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