Advantages of car gas installations

The increase in fuel prices does not allow car owners to sleep at night. Complete refueling with classic unhealthy gasoline is a considerable load on the wallet. It is not surprising that many drivers are trying to fix this by looking for alternatives. A relatively simple and proven operation is the installation of the HBO system. Avtogaz allows us to achieve significant savings - of course, under certain conditions. What are the main advantages of cars with HBOs? Avtogaz, i.e. Cheaper fuel
There is no doubt that drivers of cars working on liquefied oil gas are the greatest benefit in a short period of time, reaching a large month or annual run. These are drivers who often visit gas stations, and the fact that the prices for gage are approximately twice as lower than the prices for unhealthy gasoline or diesel fuel provides much less amount in the score for fuel. It has a lower heat -intensive ability compared to gasoline. The amount of energy contained in one liter of liquefied oil gas depends on the ratio of propane and butan, as well as other gases that make up this mixture. Thus, the amount of energy in one liter may change, including, depending on the station at which we refuel the car from the season, but it is assumed that the vitrous gas -free fuel consumption of gaseous fuel, expressed in liters /100 km, is assumed. Above the consumption of gasoline. Staff of HBO and the environment
The problem of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions is increasingly rising at the public forum - both national and international. This is due, in particular, to tighten the requirements for exhaust gas emissions. In this regard, it is worth remembering that cars equipped with a gas installation are much less harmful to the environment. A decrease in exhaust gas emissions in relation to fossil fuel is approximately 10-15 % in the case of carbon dioxide, 20 % in the case of nitrogen oxides and as many as 60 % in the case of hydrocarbons. In addition, during gas combustion, harmful compounds of sulfur and lead are not formed, and the release of nitrogen compounds is clearly lower than in the case of diesel fuel and gasoline, including the emissions of aerosols in the air (PM). Where to buy Viagra Super Active online no prescription?