Review of the game Prime World

Prime World is one of the most interesting games of recent times.
In this multiplayer strategy, men and women must act together, only in this case they have the opportunity to succeed. The girls in this game are healers, keepers and inspirers, the task of men is to deal with enemies. The more successful men are at destroying enemies, the more useful abilities of their combat girlfriends get. This feature of the game not only adds color to it, but also forces users to carefully approach the choice of a gaming partner.
The plot of the strategy is quite simple – there are two irreconcilable opposing sides, the Dacts and the Adornians, who have been fighting for many years in a row in the struggle for the prime magical substance falling from the sky. The kingdoms are divided by the zone where the fallout of prime takes place and where the battles for possession of it take place. A new player can join either side. It is possible to change sides later, but this happens with serious losses. Therefore, it is better to choose the side of the conflict seriously and for a long time.

After registering in the game, you will receive a castle at your disposal. It is the development and strengthening of the castle that is one of the keys to victory. The construction of new specialized buildings within the boundaries of your castle will help you to extract prime and pearls (local currency), gain new skills and talents.
Of course, you cannot do without an army, so you will have to hire fighters.
Pay special attention to the reception of heroes – they will be the backbone of your army. During the game you will have to improve them, endow them with new skills. Remember that the chance to get a strong hero directly depends on the level of development of the palace. It has been noticed for a long time that strength goes to strength – the larger and more diverse your palace, the higher the probability of attracting an interesting fighter. You can develop both one hero and several at once.

In the game Prime World you will have to deal with both economic and military affairs. Do not forget that the outcome of the battle largely depends on your gaming spouse – she will help you with the power of magic, and on occasion can even substitute on the battlefield. The longer your union lasts, the higher your joint opportunities. If you have not managed to find a real companion, you can use her surrogate substitute – a software woman who supports you in battle. But the effectiveness of such an alliance is low.
The game is made very high quality, all the actions are dynamic and exciting. Good graphics and good dubbing allow you to immerse yourself in the game world. And how far you can advance in the struggle for fame and fortune depends only on you. Katana