Banks on the verge of liquidity shortage (part 2)

These events "shook up" the banking community and the authorities, the expert notes. Both of them came to the obvious conclusion that the optimal source of increasing bank capital is state resources. The problem is that so far they are not trying to "throw" them on the market, fearing a jump in inflation. Therefore, gold and foreign exchange reserves, reserves of the Stabilization Fund and other "state loans" are transferred to unprofitable dollar assets to the West. The losses from this are huge - only on the difference in exchange rates they amount to tens of billions of dollars. Banks are also suffering from a lack of liquidity. Meanwhile, they are, in the words of A. Milyukov, "locomotives of the economy." If the banking system can be secured and create a kind of "safety cushion" in the form of additional funds, it will be better for everyone.

According to the Vice-president of the ARB, it is necessary, first of all, to form a "pool" reliable borrowers - enterprises, corporations, etc. There should be a well-thought-out state policy in this matter. It is also important to attract pension and budget resources - they can also be invested in bank deposits. But the most important thing is to create a reliable interbank refinancing system.

Sergey Moiseev, Director of the Center for Economic Research of the Moscow Financial and Industrial Academy, told in more detail how things are going with it. According to him, the problem is not that the Central Bank gives banks little money, but that this money is incorrectly distributed. Several large banks with state participation receive them, and, instead of distributing them to smaller banks, they keep them in their own accounts. Then these funds are often returned back to the Central Bank. Or large banks simply speculate on this money, throwing it into the interbank market at increased interest rates. As a consequence, the nationalization of the banking sector. All this leads to the fact that today the bank's liquidity is at a minimum level. The situation is reminiscent of the same year 2004 - the slightest shock or non-ordinary event is enough, and customers, having lost their trust, will run to banks to take their money. By the way, today the first deputy chairman of the Bank of Russia Alexey Ulyukayev stated that his department again notes a sharp reduction in the growth rate of deposits of the population and the growth of investments in foreign currency. As they say, think for yourself...

Who will stand, and who will not, if the "new 2004" still happens - the question, as they say, is a separate one. It is obvious that small private banks are threatened by much more serious risks. In general, with the current volume of liquidity, our banking sector will not withstand a crisis similar to the Western one. Official website of Jozz Casino online.