Work Boots: $75
Baseball cap: $7.50
Drinking enough beer to strip naked and run through town for a jacket: $50.00
Your workmates taking photos and putting them on the internet: Priceless
Hundreds of Big Mac’s: $4,285.95
Big regular coke to each Big Mac: $867
XXL-clothes: $12,895
Entry ticket to friends party: $7
Showing the world your man-boobs dancing: PRICELESS
Marriage dress in size XXXXL: $590
Nice white flowers: $48.50
Rent for marriage-location next to Mosslake: $430 per day
Maybe not realising that the weather is the only NICE thing at this marriage:
New Underwear and Bras: $49
McDonalds Super Size Frys: $2
2 Quater Pounders: $4
Sodas: $1
Showing the world you are too big for even Victoria to keep “Secret”: