Work Boots: $75
Baseball cap: $7.50
Drinking enough beer to strip naked and run through town for a jacket: $50.00
Your workmates taking photos and putting them on the internet: Priceless
1 bucket of white road color: $125
1 week of training for roadworks: $480
beeing as stupid as a five year old child and write SOTP instead of STOP:
You also experienced stupid colleagues at your work? Please help and rate your company in categories like: your boss, your colleagues, or your sallary at: rate your job on
1 x day wages: $67.37
1 x tin of paint: $29.99
Realising that you are too stupid and you should have stayed in SCHOOL:
You also experienced stupid colleagues at your work? Please help and rate your company in categories like: your boss, your colleagues, or your sallary at: rate your job on