Priceless Cheerleader Shitting Teammates sport admin February 29, 2016Priceless – Cheerleader shittingCheerleader costume: $200Nike sportshoes: $65Lunch at Taco Bells: $9.95Shitting your teammates when beeing lifted in the air: PRICELESS
Cheerleader without panties no panties admin September 4, 2013 Cheer outfit: $140 Trip to Nationals: $550 Speed pill before your team performs: $20 Showing everyone why your team’s the best: priceless
Cheerleader having her tit hanging out sport admin August 12, 2008High school cheerleading capt: popularity Temp. needed to roll up shirt: 90?Ǭ?F Showing the boys what they get to play with once you have a few beers in you: PRICELESS
No panty below cheerleader dress 01 no panties admin July 13, 2008 Cheerleading outfit: $75 Athletic shoes: $50 Getting people from around the world to cheer for your high school: priceless
Cheerleader 05 – Legs high sport admin May 5, 2008Red skirt: $40 Team coloured shirt: $75 Pom-Poms: $20 Not knowing you are flashing your fleshy bits for all to see: PRICELESS