Short party skirt and shirt: $75 Hot thong: $25
Not wearing it: no comment
Showing that you are horny but forgetting that this hole is already filled:
Two pre-party sixpacks BW at home: $5,95
Cover charge: $5,00
Three Party-Pills from bouncher: $10,00
Dropped the last pill on the floor, now showing your cheeks while picking it up:
Going for a camping trip in the wild forest of Canada: $112 Brand new Jeans: $39
Nice black shoes: $29 Nice panties: $0
Giving your little 7 year old son a new camera to click snaps of the scenery: $48
Your son clicking this nice snap of the beautiful scenic view of your bare ass:
Trip to the hair salon: $75
Ankle bracelet: $30
White short shorts: $55
That ILL ADVISED burrito for lunch: $5 NASTY fecal stain on your shorts, front and center: