Drunk and pissed pants



Being so drunk you manage to lose control of your bodily functions: priceless


Drunk guy lying on the bathroom floor with pissed pants. He lost control after a night drinking so he did not feel he wet his pants.

Stupid naked in the mirror



Digital camera: $299
Picture of dining room set for listing on eBay: included
Forgetting about your reflection in the mirror and having your tiny SCHLONG displayed on eBay: priceless

Tampon in nose



Raising you: $100,000.00
Digital camera: $200.00
Tampons: $4.00
A picture of you with a tampon in your nose on the internet: priceless

Drunk naked on the street



Getting drunk with your girl friends: free
Four sixpacks of beers: $20
Five shots of puerto rican rum: $10
Your drunk girl friend taking all your clothes off and showing this picture to the world: priceless