Naked at after baseball match party

Naked and drunk on after baseball match party

An after saturday baseball match party: free entrance
7 beers: $1 each
smoke some marijuana: $6 per joint
forgot your short-stop has always his digital camera, and your 1st baseman knows this website:

Naked women tied up

Three naked women tied up

Taxi to pub: $10
Drinks: $60
Club entree fee: $5
Your Ex-Boyfriend playing a practical joke on you outside at 3 am:

Naked woman undressing

Woman undressing her trousers

Going for a camping trip in the wild forest of Canada: $112
Brand new Jeans: $39
Nice black shoes: $29
Nice panties: $0
Giving your little 7 year old son a new camera to click snaps of the scenery: $48
Your son clicking this nice snap of the beautiful scenic view of your bare ass: