Miss Venezuela losing bikini

Miss Venezuela losing her bikini during a show

Applying to become a contestant for Miss Venezuela pageant: $0
Getting help from a professional to assist with your speech: $750
Paying a fashion designer to create a nice bikini for you: $4500
Nice see-thru green veil to put around your lower-half body: $31
Accidentally untying the wrong knot during the live telecast in prime-time for the whole nation to see your bikini and veil fall off completely:

Stupid driver 02

Stupid driver revealing history

Starting a delivery firm and naming it “Titanic”: no comment
Astro Van 1989 with 1 billion miles on the clock: $999.95
Discount paint job: $99.95
Making a delivery down the docs: no comment
History repeats itself:

Stupid driver 01

Stupid driver having a crash

2 months of drive lessons: $250
new pair of glasses: $180
spending all the money on the lessons and not the glasses: