Pissed bikses trīs reizes

Man pissing his pants three times

Nakts klubs ieejas maksa: $5,00
5 pintes veicina: $12,50
1 pudele alkoholiskajiem kokteiļiem: $1,75
1 Bürger par to, kā mājās: $2,50
Pissing sevi 3 reizes un kam tas apmestas ap internetu:

Drunk and asleep on street 01

Drunk woman lying on the street

Night out with the gang: $30
Rounds of $1,99 Shooter Specials: $40
Self experiment with the Date Rape drug Rohypnol: $10
Forgetting that you’re piss drunk lying spread eagle on the sidewalk in front of the bar, and not in bed with lover: