Anight out at the bars: $45 Dry cleaning bill for khakis: $17 Big hemp necklace: $12 Picture of your roommate proving that the old “hand in a bucket of warm watermakesyou piss your pants in your sleep” sent all over the internet:
Brīvdienas Belizā ar draugiem: $695
Kobalta zila siksna, kas nav gluži aptvert jūsu Neapgriezti bebrs: $25
SPF #8 sauļošanās eļļa: $8
Pic no jums guļ uz pludmali, palīdzot daži ragveida vecs bastards jauna atklāt dzīves jēgu, kamēr jūsu draugi ir off peldēšana:
Digitālā fotokamera: $299
Taking a pic of your dog: Included
Forgetting you aren’t wearing your shorts and getting the reflection of your schlong in the window: