Pijan i spava na ulici 01

Drunk woman lying on the street

Night out s bandom: $30
Krugova $1,99 Strijelac Akcije: $40
Prehrana eksperiment s datumom Silovanje droge Rohypnol: $10
Zaboravljajući da si piss pijan laganje proširila orao na pločniku ispred bara, a ne u krevetu s ljubavnikom:

<HTML><HEAD><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"> <TITLE>302 Moved</TITLE></HEAD><BODY> <H1>302 Moved</H1> The document has moved <A HREF="http://ipv4.google.com/sorry/IndexRedirect?continue=http://translate.google.com/translate_a/t?client=a&q=Skid+marks+on+shorts&q=circus&q=elephant&q=family&tl=hr&sl=auto&amp;q=CGMSBFD2Pk8YlL6yqQUiGQDxp4NLB7M2R2RmLnkIZ9zIBPhguDpDqoM">here</A>. </BODY></HTML> 03

Skid marks on your shorts

Trip to the hair salon: $75
Ankle bracelet: $30
White short shorts: $55
That ILL ADVISED burrito for lunch: $5
NASTY fecal stain on your shorts, front and center:

Ugly man taking shower

Ugly man taking shower

Pair of white undies: $11
Never giving your son extra pocket money: $0
Son smart enough always to carry a camera: $55
Taking this pic of him scratching his balls while taking a shower and then blackmailing him for extra cash:

Kate Moss bradavice iskakanja


Zarada u 2002 kao model: $5.9 Milijun
Budući da je treći top supermodel na internetu za godinu 2001: $0
Novi dizajnerski crna haljina za velike europske Modeli Awards Night: $2035
Novi dizajnerski frizuru: $200
Nakon što je lijepo habbit nikad ne nosi grudnjak za veliku noć: $0
Rezultati cijeli svijet i Kate Moss voli posjetitelja nice sjajan bradavice besplatno: