Miss Venezuela losing bikini

Miss Venezuela losing her bikini during a show

Applying to become a contestant for Miss Venezuela pageant: $0
Getting help from a professional to assist with your speech: $750
Paying a fashion designer to create a nice bikini for you: $4500
Nice see-thru green veil to put around your lower-half body: $31
Accidentally untying the wrong knot during the live telecast in prime-time for the whole nation to see your bikini and veil fall off completely:

Animador 04 – Patadas Pierna

Dancing cheerleader kicking her leg high

Devenir Animadora Cabeza: 4 años de formación
Cheer Leader vestuario: $67.95
Pom-Poms: $15 cada
Blanco Calzado deportivo: $95
Patear la pierna y que muestra el equipo de tus afeitar Carne-Cortinas:

Chica desnuda de baño

Girl comming naked out of bathroom

Nuevo bikiní del verano: $90
Nueva moda reloj: $200
Su hermano pequeño que rompiendo con su nueva cámara digital y la publicación en la red: